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Encephalartos altensteinii

Encephalartos altensteinii
Plants at Kirstenbosch botanical garden Cape Town.

Encephalartos altensteinii

Geohintonia mexicana

Haworthia arachnoidea ' Royalis'

Haworthia tuberculata

Aloe pratensis

Aloe pratensis

Aloe pratensis

Aloe pratensis

Obregonia denegrii

Obregonia is a genus of cacti closely related to Lophophora.The genus has only one species Obregonia denegrii and is naturally found  It is found in the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico.

The plants are very slow growing and are propagated by seed.

Obregonia denegrii
Obregonia denegrii in the collection of Gerhard Marx.

Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. gracilidelineata var. waldroniae

Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. gracilidelineata var. waldroniae
Seed grown. Originally from Vogelfederberg south east of Swakopmund  (C 189).

Haworthia outeniquensis

Haworthia outeniquensis
Plants in habitat at Moerasrivier. The plants appear to be related to Haworthia helmiae.

Haworthia wittebergensis

Haworthia wittebergensis

Haworthia paradoxa

Haworthia paradoxa
Seed grown plant originating from Vermaaklikheid.The plants resemble Haworthia wimii to some extent and form part of a large complex of related Haworthias of the Southern Cape.

Haworthia cummingii

Haworthia cummingii
Seedlings from Committees Drift.

Adenolobus garipensis

Adenolobus garipensis

Euphorbia lignosa

Euphorbia lignosa

Aloe claviflora

Aloe claviflora is found in arid areas of South Africa from Prince Albert northwards.

The plants are easy to identify as the plant body tends to lean forward and the flowers are horizontal, almost flat on the ground. Plants form clumps in  circular fashion and continually grow outwards leaving a hollow in the middle.

The plants do no adapt well if taken out of the wild and should be grown from seed.

Flowering time is in August and September.

In habitat west of Prince Albert

Aloe claviflora
At Worcester botanical garden

Thespesia acutiloba

Thespesia acutiloba

Thespesia acutiloba flower

Haworthia koelmaniorum

Haworthia koelmaniorum

Haworthia picta - (emelyae)

Haworthia picta
A form from Doornrivier. More about Haworthia picta.  This species is also referred to as Haworthia emelyae.

The following 3 images represent seed grown plants from the type locality at Moerasrivier (These are seedlings selected for their prominent markings on the leaves.)

Haworthia picta Moerasrivier

Haworthia picta Moerasrivier

Haworthia picta Moerasrivier

Haworthia dimorpha

Haworthia dimorpha

Haworthia lockwoodii - Varsbokkraal

Haworthia lockwoodii
A cultivated plant.

Haworthia papillaris

Nerine filamentosa

Nerine filamentosa

Haworthia baviens n.n.

Haworthia baviens n.n
The plants appear to be related to Haworthia monticola.

Haworthia cv. 'Toff-o-Lux'

Haworthia cv. Toff-o-Lux
An exceptionally beautiful hybrid created by Gerhard Marx and recently auctioned.
More Haworthia hybrids and cultivars.

Lophophora diffusa

Lophophora diffusa
A plant closely related to Lophophora williamsii and Lophophora fricii

Haworthia marginata

Haworthia marginata
Seed grown plant originating from Heidelberg commonage.

Cyrtanthus guthrieae

Cyrtanthus guthrieae

Drimia sp.

Drimia sp.

Drimia sp. flower
A presumably undescribed Drimia from south of Oudtshoorn.

Lithops bromfieldii var. glaudinae

Euphorbia jansenvillensis

Euphorbia jansenvillensis
A non-stoloniferous form  from Klipplaat. Abnormal monstrous growth on stem.

Scadoxus membranaceous

Scadoxus membranaceous

Clivia miniata

Clivia miniata

Othonna retrofracta

Othonna retrofracta
Plant from near Springfontein Southern Cape.

Haemanthus humilis

Haemanthus humilis

Nerine masoniorum

Nerine masoniorum

Haworthia maxima

Haworthia maxima
A large form from near Worcester. See also specimen from Nonna.

Annomaluma mccoyii

Annomaluma mccoyii

Annomaluma mccoyii flower

Annomaluma mccoyii seed pods

Euphorbia hopetownensis

Euphorbia hopetownensis

Nerine laticoma

Nerine laticoma

Lithops cv. 'Funny Faces'

Lithops cv. Funny Faces

Selected hybrids of Lithops dorotheae.

Hoodia pilifera spp. annulata

Haworthia spheroidea

Haworthia spheroidea
The plants with their neatly arranged  leaves and round bodies are closely related to Haworthia semiviva. Originally from Middelpos in the Northern Cape.